So what’s been going on you ask? Well, here’s the skinny. I’ve been waiting for a new blog design. Lousy excuse, huh? Especially since you’re looking at this page and wondering what new blog design?
I posted a long while back that my uber-talented sister was going to be doing a design for me. The problem with uber-talented sisters is that they are also uber-busy sisters. And with no end to the list of projects she had to deal with, she did the only thing a truly uber-awesome sister would do. She bought me a Laycock Designs blogger package for my birthday.
I am over-the-moon about having Michelle design my blog page. She’s done designs for the very successful Josee Smuck, the prolific Dawn Griffith, and the hilarious Jan Tink.
Only problem is… (yes you guessed it.) Michelle is busy. So busy in fact, that my place in her work file is still floating somewhere in cyberland. I was really hoping I’d have it in place by the time the holiday season rolled around, but that doesn’t look likely. *sigh*
So my sweet, bloggy friends I shall soldier on with this simple (boring!) design until then. Which includes posting more often. Honest. You see, *lowering voice to a conspiratory whisper* kid #1 is in school full time now and kid #2 is going to preschool. That means 3 times a week I have a whole 2 1/2 hours in the afternoon FREEEEEEE! My stamps are so happy I swear I can hear them quivering in their cases.
Here’s a cute card we made last club using the owl punch. I found the design on Splitcoast and just modified it to suit the paper I had.
Hope you like it!