My eyes are a little buggy from all the time I’ve been spending on the computer lately. I’ve been busy updating my SU website and reading up on all the new options there are out there in regards to linking my blog with all the various “social networks.” I’d like to say I’m a little more techno geeky than the average girl, but I also have to say who the h-e-double-hockey-sticks has time to keep up with all this stuff?! Google Plus, Twitter, Facebook, egad! Add to that your specialized communities, which for me include sites like
Stampin’ Connection and
Splitcoast Stampers, not to mention all those blog feeds and videos from my favourite stamping divas… *enter slightly hysterical laughing*
I laugh because here I am typing away a post on yet another blog for you to read. But you love me, so you’ll keep reading, right?
Maybe we should all just get off the computer and GO STAMP SOMETHING!
Try this cute card out! Another cute way to use the owl punch: